Tip of the week: Demystifying Domain Names and how they work with your BandPage Website

Posted: March 19, 2013 in Uncategorized

The BandPage Blog

In an effort to make sharing your music easier than ever, we created the BandPage Website Extension.  We made this so that your fans could have a sleek one-stop-shop to experience your sound and find out more about you.

When you set up a BandPage Website, we automatically generate a subdomain for you:  yourname.bandpage.com.  If you like the subdomain that we already gave you, then you don’t need to read any further!

What are Domain Records?
The technical term for a site’s main domain is “A record” and for a subdomain it is “CNAME record”.  CNAME stands for Canonical Name record and it is a type of ‘internet resource’ in the Domain Name System (also referred to as DNS).  DNS generally provides the map that servers use to send traffic to and from each other on the internet.

The domain names that we use to access websites (“bandpage.com”, “reddit.com”, “twitter.com”…

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